Restaurant Ventilation
Restaurant Ventilation |
Kitchen Centrifugal Upblast Exhaust Fans are AMCA certified UL705 powered ventilators for restaurant exhaust applications. Direct drive and belt drive UL705 centrifugal upblast exhaust fans have the motor, wiring and drives isolated from the air stream. The UL762 standard means the fan is ideally suited for the removal of dirty, contaminated and/or high temperature air making it suitable for restaurant hoods and similar kitchen exhaust ventilation, fume and smoke removal, laboratory fume hood exhaust and chemical process exhaust. The grease drain on UL762 fans allow grease laden contaminated air to drain out the bottom of the fan helping to keep the fan free from grease buildup on the wheel and moving components. For grease removal applications, the fan must be installed per NFPA 96 and with a 40" discharge height and hinged access base.
Belt Drive Kitchen Supply Fans and Make-up Air Fans are designed for non-tempered filtered make-up air applications for commercial kitchen hood applications. These fans are ideal for ducted applications with higher static pressure and non-ducted applications requiring a dependable, quiet filtered air source to equalize the pressure in a kitchen where an exhaust fan is present. A good design guideline is to make sure the supply fan provides a minimum of 80% of the total exhaust requirements.